In intraday chart we can see the market has crossed the psychological level of 25000 quite easily:
We can place a support of 24640 (series of lows in Sep, Oct and Nov, 2004), the 168% Fibo level from last swing (ca.24330), the trendline (highs Oct and Dec 2007 and then lows in April 2008) among others - but those are not a valid reason to open a long position.
There is an interesting discussion on formation in DJIA and S&P500 chart:
Is this a symmetrical triangle (as I assumed in yesterday's post) or rather a pennant? The difference is the time in both formations create themselves. The formation on chart took like two weeks to show up, therefore I assume the pennant will be more accurate here. There is almost no target price difference (ca.7200 for DJIA and ca.770 for S&P500), but the pennant has much higher failure rate (up to 34%, after Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns, Thomas N. Bulkowski). The best is to wait, especially the FED might decide to cut rates again (here).
There is a interesting article about Switzerland economy (here). I have mixed feelings about that, but it's worth reading anyway. Same goes for CNN article (here) about emerging markets.
Dzieki za odpowiedz. LeM-a sledze uwaznie. Juz fale byly wyliczone i domyslam sie teraz goraczkowo trzeba rachube modyfikowac. Zatem pomyslalem o tym co mysla inni. Jestem z Lubina, KGHM wpadl do kanalu wyznaczonego przez dlugoterminowe extrema. Juz spotykalem takich co deklarowali, ze jak bedzie po 20 to kupuja. Dzis zapal juz ostygl i chyba beda zwlekac. Zloza rudy na wyczerpaniu, nie zrobiono nic w otoczeniu, mam na mysli produkcje towarzyszace. Sa w okolicy nieprzebrane zasoby wegla brunatnego. Chcieliby ale boja sie. Mysle, ze cena bedzie sie obijala po bandach, az wystaruje wegiel i elektrownia o ile wczesniej Wattenfall nie pokrzyzuje takiego scenariusza.